Learn what you can do when you use Toky API to integrate our virtual phone system with your business apps
Toky offers many integrations with CRM and business applications that you can use to improve your sales and support processes, by automating tasks like call logging, calling customers with a click and more. However, you may have a different CRM, business tools or in-house software solution which can use virtual phone features; for this, we offer an API that can be used by your development team to integrate several Toky features.
Technology and authentication
Our API uses REST interfaces with GET and POST methods to communicate with your apps. You need a Toky API Key to send any request and every response will be sent using JSON formatted data.
What can you do?
- Import agents, voicemails, recordings, calls, and SMS data into your apps.
- Create, update and delete contacts in Toky.
- Send SMS
- Use webhooks to get real-time data about calls, voicemails, and SMS.
Updated over 5 years ago